Tagged in: Google Ads In Melbourne

How Ads Can Bring You Repeat Customers

A Quick Guide On How To Use Google Ads In Melbourne

Running a business is quite challenging, especially in modern times where digital marketing and advertising is absolutely necessary. However, even though you may not have used Google ads in the past, it is not impossible to learn.
We will now look at a quick guide on how to start using Google ads in Melbourne so that you can get targeted traffic whenever you want.

The very first thing you need to do is search for Google ads in Google and sign up for the Google ads service using your Google account. This will only take a few minutes. Once this is complete, you will be directed to another page in order to start your first ad campaign. There will be fields for you to specify the location (Melbourne), keywords, network, bid etc.

Once completed, you will need to choose your budget. The great thing about Google ads is that you don’t have to worry about going over your budget since you can specify the maximum amount of money that you want to spend per day on ads. Also, money will only be deducted when someone actually clicks on your ad.

google ads in melbourne

Then, you will have to choose your particular audience that you want to see your ad. You can use radius targeting where people in a specific radius of a zip code are shown the ad. This is great for local businesses and you should definitely use this option.

You will also need to select between showing your ad on the SERPs or Google results pages (Google Search Network) or you can allow your ad to be shown on websites (Display Network). It may be best to test between these two network options to see which one works the best for your ad.

Once you have filled out all of the options and created your ad, you can start the campaign. It is important that you evaluate the campaign for at least a few days before making any changes.

To wrap thing up, we have just covered how to get started with Google ads in Melbourne. Once you start making ads and optimizing them, you will soon be able to get more sales and customers.